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After spending over $18,000.00 in molds, castings, jigs, brackets, tooling and 300 hours of testing labor we can't justify trying to sell you a cone for the center of your wind turbine hub!
WHY! Believe it or not cones actually CUT Wattage output by .87% (Almost a full 1%)
The results where NOT what we had expected!
In fact, during the first week of testing we thought we where all losing our minds so then we went out and bought a whole new set of voltage and amperage meters just to make sure our equipment was not malfunctioning. After determining that a CONE KILLED POWER we THEN had to explain the loss! (Having fun yet?)
This was an unexpected twist for what had initially been anticipated as an exciting new product addition that we hoped would INCREASE power!
The idea of a cone was to redirect all of the wasted air that was blowing into the center of the hub area thereby gaining extra thrust,,,,,,,,,,,, well that's NOT what happened in the real world! The cone produced more drag than power!! The cone has about 224 square inches of surface area and it would seem that the spinning of this large surface actually robbed power in the final analysis!!


"Surface Drag",,, This is not what we had expected to discover when we started this project.
Cones do indeed add that nice modern look, giving wind turbines that exquisite space-aged guise.
However in the final analysis cones actually just added extra cost, weight and a bit of lost power too!
In the final ratiocination it would seem that at "wind turbine speeds" cones are at best a beautification item,,, at best!
Perhaps at higher speeds cones could be useful. For instance jet engines benefit from centered turbine cones BUT having a cone on a wind turbine is a losing proposition since at our company keeping performance high while keeping costs down is job ONE!!! A cone is therefore not a justifiable component for our wind turbines.
While this investigational chapter required exploration and I am glad to say that our cone research annals are closed!
On to more important research!
Sorry but that's the honest truth and this is a true story. In all honesty after 20 years of turbine building I would have to say that logic has failed more often then not. You just have to build it and test, test, TEST until it works! That type of ideology has always worked best for our company,,, hard work, research, testing and logging the positive results!!!
I wish only the best of luck to our loyal customers and other wind turbine tinkerers and enthusiasts!
I hope this info helps you save some time and money.

LINK TO: Blade Extenders and power cones for extra power in low wind zones and areas with heavy trees.


Shows turbo cone in dragonfly configuration-------------------------------------------------


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