Who was Immanuel Velikovsky? He was a peer of Einstein, and they
played chess together often. In fact, when Einstein died, he was
in the process of reading his friend Velikovsky's book, Earth
in Upheaval, as he was found sprawled over this book, laid open
on his desk, when he died. Or perhaps there was something particularly
upsetting, in the book.
Einstein was aware of periodic global cataclysms, the puzzle
as to why they occurred, an issue he and Velikovsky debated, apparently.
Einstein espoused Hapgood's sliding crust theory, as an explanation
for wandering poles, stating this was the best explanation for
what the Earth stands in evidence of.
Sliding crust, periodic cataclysms?
If this sounds like pole shift caused by the periodic passage
of the Planet of the Crossing, aka Nibiru or Planet X, that's
exactly what everyone was looking at and trying to puzzle out.
But at the time, they were only suspecting a passing planet might
have caused the chaos, because folklore reported this had been
During the era of Einstein and Velikovsky, knowledge of Planet
X was not yet in available. It was discovered in 1983 by NASA
and JPL, and Sitchin's translations of ancient Summerian documents,
detailing their knowledge of the Planet of the Crossing, Nibiru,
passing through every 3,600 years, had not yet been done. Thus,
Einstein and Velikovsky puzzled, looking at the evidence the Earth
ZetaTalk: Velikovsky, written on Aug 15, 1995.
Immanuel Velikovsky was a genius on par with Einstein, which is
a fact seldom mentioned by his detractors. Both he and Einstein
were Star Children, and indeed were friends who engaged in the
type of friendly argument only two geniuses could engage in.
Velikovsky's Mission was to set mankind to thinking about the
periodic cataclysms that have so dramatically left their mark
on the Earth and human history. Like Einstein, he was berated
for presenting what most of mankind does not want to think about
- bad news.
Mountains obviously thrown skyward under extreme pressure,
the ruins of great civilizations with no reason for demise, flash
frozen carcasses of healthy mastodons with no evident cause of
death - all this is put over the wall and not dealt with.
Was Velikovsky vilified? No pun intended, but he was indeed
attacked, his books documenting solid evidence of what the Earth
herself says about periodic cataclysms, banned from libraries
and schools. Ages in Chaos and his second book, Worlds in Collision,
dealt with the period around the Jewish Exodus, the time of the
last pole shift.
Ages in Chaos documented the physical history of the era, and
Worlds in Collision had as it's emphasis the political and cultural
In Velikovsky's words, from the forward in his book, Ages in Choas:
Ages in Chaos, forward
Unable to prove the book or any part of it wrong or any quoted
document spurious, the members of that group indulged in outbursts
of unscientific fury. They suppressed the book in the hands of
its first publisher by the threat of a boycott of all the company's
Despite the fact that when the book was already on the presses
the publisher agreed to submit it to the censorship of three prominent
scientists and it passed that censorship. When a new publisher
took the book over, this group tried to suppress it there, too,
by threats.
They forced the dismissal of a scientist and an editor who
openly took an objective stand, and thus drove many members of
academic faculties into clandestine reading of Worlds in Collision
and correspondence with its author.
Why? Because he carried a message that frightened people, the
message that such cataclysms had happened to mankind before, and
could happen again.
The messenger was attacked. Not an uncommon story. as I, the ZetaTalk
emissary delivering the ZetaTalk message about the coming pole
shift, know well.
Carl Sagan, more or less on his death bed, had this to say about
Quote from Carl Sagan, in his book Cosmos, 1980, page 91.
The worst aspect of the Velikovsky affair is not that his hypotheses
were wrong or in contradiction to firmly established facts, but
that some who called themselves scientists attempted to suppress
Velikovsky's work.
Science is generated by and devoted to free inquiry: the idea
that any hypothesis, no matter how strange, deserves to be considered
on its merits. The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common
in religion and politics, but it is not the path to knowledge;
it has no place in the endeavor of science.
Velikovsky's books, published before his death in 1955, when
out of print, But I got my set of his three books from
Buccaneer Books, Inc.,
P.O. Box 168,
Cutchogue, New York 11935.
Velikkovsky's approach was scientific, using well documented evidence
and cross checking everything, looking for patterns. In his words:
Ages in Chaos, forward
I searched the records of one land after another and went from
one generation to another, taking from everywhere hints and clues,
evidence and proof. Because I had to discover and to collate them,
this book is written like a detective story.
Why was it necessary to be a detective, and put the pieces of
the puzzle together? Because after a pole shift, written record
keeping goes to heck, and records get lost. It is without argument
that the Egyptian census keepers stopped taking the census, and
the records were strewn about, with no other cause for the wreck
than a geological catastrophe. The Jewish slaves walked away from
their master, old women and toddlers alike. Egyptian record keeping
did not pick up again for hundreds of years, a gap great enough
that no one is certain, from the records, just WHEN the Jewish
Exodus occurred.
ZetaTalk: Lost Records, written on Sep 15, 1999.
During cataclysms, and for many hundreds of years following, people
become terribly discombobulated. Look what happened to the Egyptian
records after the last pole shift. The Jewish Exodus occurred,
with the Jews able to leave their slavehood taking their old,
their lame, and their babes in arms with them.
They escaped, one and all from their captors, not because they
were all that swift, but because their captors were very distracted.
The hail, the insects disturbed by the groaning in the Earth and
running in every direction, the volcanic eruptions, the earthquakes,
and the fact that they were experiencing a very long day, the
Sun quite noticeably slowed in its progression across the sky
- all this distracted the Egyptians.
After the last cataclysms, the very careful Egyptian records
which kept census, the grain stores which maintained the rich
- all this went to Hell. And for centuries afterwards, people
lost track of just how many years passed until records began to
be kept again. This happened all over the world, during each cataclysm.
What happened to the great cities of China? Records are disrupted.
Because the conclusion, that the catastrophe experienced during
that era was great and caused by a passing body in the sky, the
message was rejected, attacked as being only folklore, based on
stories, and thus a wrong conclusion. Thus, his last book, Earth
in Upheaval, took the focus on concentrating on geological evidence,
collected by OTHERS, in other words, scientific and unarguable
What are some of the FACTS that Velikovsky located and put
as pieces of the puzzle into the whole? I quote from Earth in
Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval The Ivory Islands, pages 4-6
In 1797 the body of a mammoth, with flesh, skin, and hair, was
found in northeastern Siberia. The flesh had the appearance of
freshly frozen beef; it was edible, and wolves and sled dogs fed
on it without harm. The ground must have been frozen ever since
the day of their entombment; had it not been frozen, the bodies
of the mammoths would have putrefied in a single summer, but they
remained unspoiled for some thousands of years. In some mammoths,
when discovered, even the eyeballs were still preserved.
(All) this shows that the cold became suddenly extreme .. and
knew no relenting afterward. In the stomachs and between the teeth
of the mammoths were found plants and grasses that do not grow
now in northern Siberia .. (but are) .. now found in southern
Siberia. Microscopic examination of the skin showed red blood
corpuscles, which was proof not only of a sudden death, but that
the death was due to suffocation either by gases or water.
Was Velikovsky wrong? Not by a long shot. Recently more evidence,
and more carcasses, have been unearthed, one in Finland, an episode
that was published in Discovery magazine and on TV shows in 1999.
I quote from the pages of the Troubled Times website.
According to Discovery magazine, April 1999, the American Mastodon
roamed here for about 4 million years until about 11,500 years
ago. Another type, the Mammuthus primigenius, roamed around 400,000
years until 3,900 years ago. Both extinction times could be multiples
of 3,600 years.
The heyday of the woolly mammoth was the Pleistocene Epoch,
stretching from 1.8 million years ago to the end of the last ice
age 11,000 years ago. Mammoths thrived particularly well in Siberia,
where dry grasslands once stretched for hundreds of miles, supporting
a vibrant ecosystem of mammoths, bison, and other jumbo herbivores.
The mammoth fossils on Wrangel Island are the youngest that
have ever been found. It was there, apparently, that mammoths
made their last stand. They died out only 3,800 years ago.
Then, an excerpt from a recent Discovery program on the frozen
mammoth carcasses:
It had always been thought that the mammoth died out about ten
thousand years ago, with the end of the ice age, but the tusk
appeared to be 7,000 years old. It was so unlikely, so Buttanyan
tested five more tusks, but the new dates pointed to an even more
remarkable conclusion.
Hidden up here [Rangell Island] in the Arctic, the mammoth
hadn't just survived the end of the ice age, it was walking these
hills at the time of the Egyptian Pharaos, only 3500 years ago.
This discovery has led to the re-examination of the complex chain
of 'cause and effect' that made mammoths die out everywhere else.
And the Zetas state it is NO accident that their frozen state
indicates the crust of the Earth moved INTO the polar circle.
This is what happens during pole shifts.
ZetaTalk: Mastodons, written on Jul 15, 2001
The Mastodon [or mammoth] is a species that went extinct during
the past few pole shifts, primarily when the grasslands they browsed
in Siberia were drawn rapidly into the new polar circle. But where
drawn into water and drown, and then far enough north, the Mastodons
were flash frozen.
If the Mastodons were not flash frozen, they would be in some
sort of state of decay - perhaps the skin preserved, but the internal
organs a mush. This is not the case, as your recent documentaries
on the frozen state of these preserved beasts shows!
So if flash frozen, and frozen steadily since that date, then
how did the Mastodons get green grass and buttercups in their
stomachs? A fast trot to the Arctic Circle? Does anyone presume
they ate snow? These were herbivors! Their grasslands were moved
during poles shifts.
The remains of Mastodons that were not far enough into the
polar circle to be completely frozen are bones and the ivory that
has been harvested from the Ivory Islands for centuries. The bodies
rotted, the Ivory did not. A wealth of ivory, with no flesh to
disturb those shipping the tusks off to become piano keys.
I quote again from Earth in Upheaval.
Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval Dropped Ocean Level, pages 181-183
Daly observed that in a great many places all around the world
there is a uniform emergence of the shore line of 18 to 20 feet.
In the southwest Pacific, on the islands belonging to the Samoan
group but spread over two hundred miles, the same emergence is
Nearly halfway around the world, at St. Helena in the South
Atlantic, the lava is punctuated by dry sea caves, the floors
of which are covered with water-worn pebbles, now dusty because
untouched by the surf. The emergence there is also 20 feet.
At the Cape of Good Hope caves and beaches also prove recent and
sensibly uniform emergence to the extent of about 20 feet.
Marine terraces, indicating similar emergence, are found along
the Atlantic coast from New York to the Gulf of Mexico; for at
least 1,000 miles along the coast of eastern Australia; along
the coasts of Brazil, southwest Africa, and many islands in the
Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans.
The emergence is recent as well as of the same order of magnitude,
(20 feet). Judging from the condition of beaches, terraces, and
caves, the emergence seems to have been simultaneous on every
In (Daly's) opinion the cause lies in the sinking of the level
of all seas on the globe. Alternatively, Daly thinks it could
have resulted from a deepening of the oceans or from an increase
in their areas. Of special interest is the time of the change.
Daly estimated the sudden drop of oceanic level to (have occurred)
some 3,000 to 4,000 years ago.
There's that multiple of 3,600 again! Was Velikovsky wrong?
Not by a long shot!
Scientists Challenge Conventional Sea Level Theory ABC News, December
3, 1999
Australian scientists say they have discovered evidence of
rapid change in world sea levels and of a dramatic fall in geologically
recent times - directly challenging current conventional wisdom.
Dr Robert Baker of the University of New England, in the New South
Wales country town of Armidale, has tapped the secrets of worm
coatings on once-submerged rocks to shake established theory that
sea levels are presently as high as they have ever been.
Based on height measurements of worm coatings on rocks now
well above sea level, and carbon dating tests which show them
to be as recent as 3,500 years old, Baker argues that sea levels
have not been steady since the last ice age, as is commonly believed.
Instead, he told Australia's ABC television, it changed rapidly
3,000-5,000 years ago. It means that the whole natural system
is unstable. Baker and his colleagues at New England University
say the sea level may have fallen quickly 3,500 years ago, by
as much as a meter in just 10-50 years.
The conventional wisdom has been that sea levels haven't been
higher. (Contrary) evidence was something that they weren't prepared
to accept. Baker's theories, which he first aired 20 years ago,
were initially rejected, but are now about to receive a wider
audience with their publication in the respected journal Marine
3,500 years ago? Humm, pretty close to that 3,600 signature
we're tracking. And if humans struggle with the cause, the Zetas,
as usual, can explain.
ZetaTalk: Prior Shift, written on Mar 15, 1998.
You will not find the prior South Pole, as there, out over
water, a 3,600 old melt and rebuilding left no trace. But the
prior North Pole should leave no doubt, as the Island of Greenland,
with volcanoes melting the glaciers away in great floods, is still
more heavy with ice than all that has accumulated over the current
water born poles to date, within the past 3,600 years.
Prior to the last pole shift there was a slightly colder Europe,
a slightly warmer Russia. And why did the continents rend, so
that the oceans dropped such a significant degree into the rifts,
during the last shift? The crust was jerked to and fro, rapidly.
The violent passage was enough to heave the floor of the Red Sea,
and to heap the waters up into glass mountains, so a desperate
band of Jews could dash forward to safety, with this dash their
only choice other than a brutal and vengeful death for all.
If the deep ocean rift in the Atlantic was where the waters of
the oceans went, to drop the sea level 18-20 feet worldwide, has
this ever been the reverse? I quote from the respected Journal
Antarctic Ice Sheet Key to Sudden Sea Level Rise University of
Toronto, April 2002, Volume 2, Issue 3
Physicists from Canada, the United States and Britain have
concluded that a massive and unusually abrupt rise in sea level
about 14,000 years ago was caused by the partial collapse of ice
sheets in Antarctica, solving a mystery scientists have been heatedly
debating for more than a decade.
Near the end of the last Ice Age, the Earth's sea level rose
over 20 metres - four times faster than usual for that time period
and at least 20 times faster than sea levels are rising now, report
geophysicists. The cause of this event - called the global meltwater
pulse 1A, first identified in 1989 - has been unknown until now.
The scientists say their research not only pinpoints the source
of the meltwater pulse, it also makes the case that significant
climatic events can occur very rapidly and unpredictably.
There's that 3,600 signature again, as 14,200 is a precise multiple
of 4 * 3,600!
Frozen mammoths and mastodons, falling and rising sea levels,
what else?
I quote again from Earth in Upheaval.
Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval Shifting Poles, pages 111, 44, and
All other theories of the origin of the Ice Age having failed,
there remained an avenue of approach which already early in the
discussion was chosen by several geologists: a shift in the terrestrial
poles. If for some reason the poles had moved, old polar ice would
have moved out of the Arctic and Antarctic circles and into new
The glacial cover of the Ice Age could have been the polar
icecap of an earlier epoch. The continent of Antarctica is larger
than Europe. It has not a single tree, not a single bush, not
a single blade of grass. Very few fungi have been found. Storms
of great velocity circle the Antarctic most of the year.
Shackleton, during his expedition to Antarctica in
1907 found fossil wood in the sandstone. Then he discovered 7
seams of coal. The seams are each between 3 and 7 feet thick.
Associated with the coal is sandstone containing coniferous wood.
Spitsbergen in the Arctic Ocean is as far north from Oslo in
Norway as Oslo is from Naples. Heer identified 136 species of
fossil plants from Spitsbergen. Among the plants were pines, firs,
spruces, and cypresses, also elms, hazels, and water lilies.
At the northernmost tip of Spitsbergen Archipelago, a bed of
black and lustrous coal 25 to 30 feet thick was found. (Spitsbergen)
is buried in darkness for half the year and is now almost continuously
buried under snow and ice.
At some time in the remote past corals grew and are still found
on the entire fringe of polar North America - in Alaska, Canada,
and Greenland. In later times fig palms bloomed within the Arctic
Hapburg, a compatriot of Velikovsky, suggested that a crustal
shift was the most like explanation for the wandering poles phenomena,
and it certainly is an explanation for the Ice Ages. How could
it be that the last Ice Age, over France, was possible when at
the SAME TIME Siberia, at the same latitude, was warmer, grasslands,
where great numbers of mammoths grazed, herbivores, cousins of
elephants, needing to eat grass, year round. Did the Sun wink
out as it passed over France, then blaze when it passed over Siberia?
Clearly, France was further North, and Siberia further South,
at that time.
ZetaTalk: Wandering Poles, written on Feb 15, 2002.
Confusion exists over why the ice in Antarctica dates back, apparently,
for many pole shift periods. If one analyses the last few shifts,
it becomes apparent that the South Pole was either over, part
way, Antarctica, or nearby in the ocean.
When a pole is over water, near land, the land mass retains
its ice, under the influence of this large block of ice afloat.
This is due to cold water washing against the land mass, as well
as air currents. As we have stated in ZetaTalk,
The prior shift moved the North Pole from Greenland to its
present location. Prior to that, it was over the East Siberian
Sea, having pulled Siberia northward where the largest number
of mammoth dieoff occurred. Tracing the North Pole over the past
few shifts, one sees that it spent a time over Scandinavia where
it resided between the 4th and 5th shift back.
When it moved from Scandinavia into the
Arctic north of Siberia, Europe warmed up, its glaciers melting.
Prior to Scandinavia, the North Pole centered over North America.
The last ice age, over France, supposedly ended 10,000 years
ago. 10,800 being a multiple of 3,600, that's pretty close to
the 3,600 signature!
According to the September 10, 1996 issue of the Seattle Times
The lodgepole pine forest suddenly died 10,900 years ago (3633
x 3).
"The weather here changed so fast and so severely that
the forest of the lodgepole pine that had succeeded Ice Age glaciers
died in a blink."
What happened to make Seattle so suddenly cold, 10,900 years
ago? Why, the crust moved, warming France and Scandinavia, and
putting the cold spot someplace else.
Per the Zetas, the Ice Ages over France and Scandinavia were
between 4 and 5 pole shifts back. That would put this time frame
from between 14,400 years and 18,000 year ago.
Per Early Man in the New World by Kenneth MacGowan, published
in 1950, there are charts of major glacial changes 18,000 years
ago (3600 x 5), 25,000 years ago (3570 x 7), 40,000 years ago
(3636 x 11), and 65,000 years ago (3611 x 18)!
What about this 3,600 year signature? What does Velikovsky
have to say?
Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval
Times and Dates, pages 202-203
Careful investigation by W.A. Johnston of the Niagara River bed
disclosed that the present channel was cut by the falls less than
4,000 years ago. And equally careful investigation of the Bear
River delta by Hanson showed that the age of this delta was 3,600
The study by Claude Jones of the lakes of the Great Basin showed
that these lakes, remnants of larger glacial lakes, have existed
only about 3,500 years. Gales obtained the same result on Owen
Lake in California and also Van Winkle on Abert and Summer lakes
in Oregon.
Radiocarbon analysis by Libby also indicates that plants associated
with extinct animals (mastodons) in Mexico are probably only 3,500
years old. Similar conclusions concerning the late survival of
the Pleistocene fauna were drawn by various field workers in many
parts of the American continent.
Suess and Rubin found with the help of radiocarbon analysis
that in the mountains of the western United States ice advanced
only 3000 years ago.
The Florida fossil beds at Vero and Melbourne proved - by the
artifacts found there together with human bones and the remains
of animals, many of which are extinct - that these fossil beds
were deposited between 2,000 and 4,000 years ago.
From observations on beaches in numerous places all over the
world, Daly concluded that there was a change in the ocean level,
which dropped sixteen to twenty feet 3,500 years ago. Kuenen and
others confirmed Daly's findings with evidence derived from Europe.
Others have also taken note. Lloyd Pye reports:
3600 in geo evidence by Lloyd Pye Quotes from Cyclostratigraphy
Stratigraphy is the science of reading geological strata, which
are ribbon-like layers of rock that were at one time sand, soil,
or volcanic outflow. Sand or soil was washed into place by long
extinct rivers, or settled to the bottom of long extinct seas
or lakes. Lava flows appear much quicker and are usually much
Strata can reveal many things.. What was the magnetic alignment
of the Earth when a strata was deposited? Was magnetic north where
it is today? Pointing to the equator? Or to where Zanzibar is
now? Strata are the telltales of geologic history. They can provide
views into the past that are often remarkable and sometimes astonishing.
One of the lesser known but highly important aspects of stratigraphy
is that it provides an unambiguous record of global catastrophes.
Shifts of the magnetic poles are only one of a range of events
chronicled in stone. Earthquakes of great antiquity can be read
and dated. Volcanic eruptions.
Mountains rise and fall. Rivers change course. Flood plains
shrink or expand. Glaciers wax and wane. All leave scars on the
Earth that end up in the geologic record. But what causes the
seasons to change? Better yet, what causes Ice Ages? What causes
the many fluctuations recorded within each Ice Age? Is there a
pattern to any of it? Can there be a recognizable cycle in a river's
seasonal flooding, or Earth's cataclysmic Ice Ages? Yes. ...
As Roger Cunningham was reading through the section of [the
Second Edition of the Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory,
Farland Publishing, year 2000, a ] book dealing with these matters,
something caused him to put on his thinking cap and, being a number
cruncher at heart, he decided to play around with what he had
read. It wasn't long before one very important number literally
leaped off the calculator at him: 3600. ...
And none other than Potsdam Institue for Climate Impact has found
a similar 3,600 signature.
ABC News, July 15, 1999
The rains stopped coming, the temperature rose and the great grasslands
of North Africa turned to desert a few thousand years ago - changes
that may have helped spur development of civilization in the Nile
Valley. 4,000 to 3,600 years ago, according to a paper published
today by the journal Geophysical Research Letters, was very severe,
ruining ancient civilizations and socio-economic systems.
A team of researchers headed by Martin Claussen of Germany's
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research analyzed computer
models of climate over the past several thousand years. They concluded
that the change to today's desert climate in the Sahara was triggered
by changes in the Earth's orbit and the tilt of Earth's axis.
At that time, the Northern Hemisphere received more summer
sunlight, which amplified the African and Indian summer monsoon,
they reported. The switch in North Africa's climate and vegetation
was abrupt. In the Sahara, we find an abrupt decrease in vegetation
from a green Sahara to a desert shrubland within a few hundred
So, what else happened 3,600 years ago? We've got the Jewish
Exodus, the last mammoths going extinct, the sea level dropping
world wide by 18-20 feet, the Sahara drying up.
Anything else? Well, 3,600 years ago, Thera, a monstrous volcano
in the Mediterranean, erupted, as did Vesuvius. The eruption at
Thera was 20 times as massive as Krakatoa in 1883.
According to current data, the last two great eruptions of
Vesuvius occured in 3580 B.C.E and 79 C.E. (the latter being the
eruption which buried Pompei and Herculaneum). Both Krakatoa and
Thera have a Volcanic Explosivity Index or 6 which rates them
as "colossal".
Science Digest, Sep/Oct '80
When Krakatoa exploded on August 26, 1883, it erupted noisily.
It could be heard as much as 3,000 miles away on Rodrigues Island
in the Indian Ocean. Vibrations shattered shop windows 80 miles
off. The energy; released in the main explosion has been estimated
to be equivalent to an explosion of 150 megatons of TNT.
Christos G. Doumas, Thera - Pompeii of the Ancient Aegean,
p. 141
And trees in Sweden show the mark of this explosion, and help
establish the date as 1628 BC. Given that the Zetas say the actual
passage period for Planet X, aka Nibiru, is 3,657 years, this
puts the date of the passage very near, well, NOW!
Ancient Trees May Explain Story of Atlantis Associated Press,
September 14, 2000
Researchers say ancient pine tree stumps found in a Swedish
peat bog may hold a record of the great volcanic blast. Major
volcanic eruptions have been known to blast enough dust into the
atmosphere to cause frosts and limit crop growth, and one of the
most powerful such blasts occurred when the Greek island of Santorini
blew up in the mid-1600s B.C.
[Carbon] dating and the severe magnitude of this phenomenon
suggest that it can be ascribed to the 1628-27 B.C. event, hence
providing new evidence of a wider, more northerly area of influence,
the team of Swedish scientists reported in the Sept. 15 issue
of Geophysical Research Letters.
And in China, it was written during the reign of Emperor Qin
c.1600 B.C.
Chieh Dynasty
In the twenty-ninth year of King Chieh [the last ruler of Hsia,
the earliest recorded Chinese dynasty], the Sun was dimmed...
the Sun was distressed... during the last years of Chieh ice formed
in [summer] mornings and frosts in the sixth month [July]. Heavy
rainfall toppled temples and buildings... Heaven gave severe orders.
The Sun and Moon were untimely. Hot and cold weather arrived in
disorder. The five cereal crops withered and died.
Sounds like the distress preceding a pole shift, with the Sun
and Moon untimely. And what about 7,200 years ago, times 2?
Geo Science, Tsunami Along the South Coast of New South Wales,
The first event probably occurred concomitantly with the rise
of Holocene sea-level near modern levels around 7000 before the
present. The impact of these tsunami upon the coastal landscape
has been profound. Several signatures provide estimates of the
magnitude of run-up of these events.
The largest tsunami waves swept sediment across the continental
shelf and obtained flow depths of 15-20 m at the coastline with
velocities in excess of 10 meters per second. Along cliffs, and
especially at Jervis Bay, waves reached elevations of 40-100 m
with evidence of flow depths in excess of 15 m.
Recent work indicates that the southeast coast of Australia
may not be the only coast to be affected by catastrophic tsunami.
The geomorphic signatures of such events have been found on Lord
Howe Island in the mid-Tasman Sea, along the north Queensland
coast and along the northwest coast of Western Australia.
Bedrock sculpturing features have been identified on the islands
of Hawaii and along the east coast of Scotland. The latter location
is within the zone affected by the tsunami generated by a large
submarine landslide near Storegga, Norway also 7,000 years ago.
Humm, a tsunami affecting Australia and Scotland and Norway,
at the same time? Sounds global to me.
A giant wave flooded Scotland about 7,000 years ago, a scientist
revealed on Friday. The tsunami left a trail of destruction along
what is now the eastern coast of the country. Scientists believe
a landslide on the ocean floor off Storegga, south-west Norway,
triggered the wave.
Speaking at the British Association Festival of Science in
Glasgow, Professor David Smith said a tsunami could strike again
in the area but the probability was extremely unlikely. It looks
as if those people were happily sitting in their camp when this
wave from the sea hit the camp, Professor Smith of the department
of Geography at Coventry University told BBC News Online.
And did this tsunami affecting Norway and Scotland, a landslide
along the coastline there, cause the Black Sea to form? All these
events, around 7,200 years ago, a multiple of 3,600, are oddly
coincidental. That 3,600 year signature again.
For Noah's Flood, a New Wave Of Evidence Washington Post, November
18, 1999
Scientists have discovered an ancient coastline 550 feet below
the surface of the Black Sea, providing dramatic new evidence
of a sudden, catastrophic flood around 7,500 years ago - the possible
source of the Old Testament story of Noah.
A team of deep-sea explorers this summer captured the first
sonar images of a gentle berm and a sandbar submerged undisturbed
for thousands of years on the sea floor. Now, using radiocarbon
dating techniques, analysts have shown that the remains of freshwater
mollusks subsequently dredged from the ancient beach date back
7,500 years and saltwater species begin showing up 6,900 years
The findings offer independent verification of a theory advanced
by Columbia University geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman
that the Black Sea was created when melting glaciers raised the
sea level until the sea breached a natural dam at what is now
the Bosporus, the strait that separates the Mediterranean Sea
from the Black Sea.
An apocalyptic deluge followed, inundating the freshwater lake
below the dam, submerging thousands of square miles of dry land,
flipping the ecosystem from fresh water to salt practically overnight,
and probably killing thousands of people and billions of land
and sea creatures, according to Ryan and Pitman.
The two scientists described the catastrophe in their book
Noah's Flood, based on 30 years of research that began with coring
samples showing the same abrupt transition from lake to sea that
Ballard confirmed with his dredge. No one had ever actually seen
the old shoreline, however, until Ballard's team captured sonar
images of it in August.
Well, they're not taking into consideration what happened in
Norway and Scottland, micro-examining the event. And volcanoes
were also involved at that same time period. Did the tsunami cause
the volcano?
According to the September 10, 1996 issue of the Seattle Times:
the research ship JOIDES (Joint Oceanographic Institutions for
the Deep Earth Sampling) Resolution "could easily see the
light colored ash deposited from the eruption of Oregon's Mount
Mazama 6,950 years ago. That titanic eruption created Crater Lake
and threw out at least 40 times as much magma as Mount St. Helens
did in 1980 and serves as a useful marker to date mud layers.
Water rushing into the coastlines of Australia, submerging
western Scotland, inundating Norway, and moving enough earth to
block the Black Sea from the Mediterranean. Does water move like
this, during a pole shift?
ZetaTalk: Tidal Waves, written prior to July 15, 1995
As great as the danger to humans and the fauna and flora of the
Earth that earthquakes bring, greater still is the devastation
that the shifting waters will bring. There are several factors
at play. Water is more liquid than the core of the Earth, and
certainly more liquid than terra firma.
Where the Earth, dragged by its core, is shifting into a new
alignment with [Planet X], its waters resist greatly. Thus the
waters slosh over the nearby land, in the direction opposite to
the shift. The Earth's record of gigantic tidal waves, which the
establishment is desperate to explain in other than pole shift
terms, is caused by the frequent pole shifts.
I quote again from Velikovsky's Earth in Upheaval
Whales in the Mountains, pages 46-49
Bones of whale have been found 440 feet above sea level, north
of Lake Ontario; a skeleton of another whale was discovered in
Vermont, more than 500 feet above sea level; and still another
in the Montreal- Quebec area, about 600 feet above sea level.
Although the Humphrey whale and beluga occasionally enter the
mouth of the St. Lawrence, they do not climb hills.
How does a whale arrive 500 feet above sea level, as this is
an established fact, one the scientific community cannot even
begin to explain.
ZetaTalk: Flood Tide, written on Jun 15, 2001
Tidal waves are often shown as rising high, a tower of water crashing
down upon hapless humans standing in horror on a beach. Where
a wave generated by an underwater displacement, such as occurs
when plates adjust due to subduction during an earthquake, will
roll in a deadly line of pressure until the shore is reached and
then rise up when the depth of water is reduced as the wave rolls
up the beach, this does not occur when the whole of the ocean
is on the move.
It is rather a flood tide, as the oceans are climbing out of
their beds, into higher ground, so the leading edge is the highest
point of the wave. In Tsunamis, a single line of pressure moves
through the ocean, transferring water pressure rapidly from the
quake point to where it must stop, at land, thus finally crashing
upon a beach.
During a pole shift, there is no single line of pressure, the
ocean as a whole is on the move because it stays behind while
the crust moves, and thus rolls up on land onto the coastline
being pulled under it. This is a flood tide, with the lip of the
water being its highest point, rising like a silent tide endlessly
on the rise, the wave rolling inland without a crashing back and
forth, just a steady progressive inundation.
Waves caused by an asteroid crash are akin to what children
see when they drop a boulder into a pond or puddle. As with a
Tsunami caused by a subducting plate, where the water is under
great pressure at a certain point and transfers this pressure
in a line in the direction it was first thrown, the boulder will
cause a sudden line of water pressure away from the impact point.
That water rising directly upward drops quickly to the surface,
the splash. But the water within the pond moves the line of pressure
outward, visible only as a ripple on the surface of the water
until the edge of the pond is reached where it becomes a lapping
Asteroid generated waves are thus tall, crashing upon the shore.
Whale bones on mountain tops well inland were not lifted by Tsunami
waves, nor carried inland atop such a wave. A whale would not
be close enough to the shore to be caught in such an occurrence.
They arrived at these inland mountain tops because the entire
ocean was moving, and they could not escape the momentum. Thus
caught, they were deposited in rocky crags where fast flowing
waters moved quickly away from them through cracks, too tight
a squeeze for the hapless whale left floundering behind.
And 10,800 years ago? 3 multiples back of 3,600?
Ice Age Forest Gives a Global Warning
Fox News, Feb. 25, 2000
The discovery of a forest 11,000 years old buried intact in Michigan,
with tree tops poking through the sand, has raised alarm about
the possible speed of global warming. The five-acre forest of
hundreds of spruce, just over ten miles from the shore of Lake
Superior, was covered with sand and water when a nearby glacier
melted at the end of the Ice Age.
What has shocked scientists is that analysis of the tree-rings
shows that the climate warmed so rapidly that it left no mark
on the normal growth of the trees before they were flooded. The
conclusion, based on the tree rings, is that there was no real
warning of the dramatic warming that caused the glacier to melt,
said Theodore Bornhorst, Professor of Geology at Michigan Technological
And so it goes, the Earth holding evidence to the periodic
passage of Planet X, the 3,600 signature.
ZetaTalk: Past Cataclysms, written on Feb 15, 1996.
The Earth bears witness to the cataclysms in her past and their
periodic occurrence. Beyond her deep wound in the Pacific basin,
and beyond the drift of her continents, there are scars more palpable
by man.
Mountain cliffs, which rise sheer in many cases thousands of
feet, represent tearing of solid rock. These stands before mankind,
who even make a hobby of scaling their heights, ignored in their
deeper meaning. Have any experiments been done to determine how
much force would be required to tear rock of this depth? None
have. The reason lies in the equally deep desire of mankind to
avoid thinking about the Earth's past cataclysms.
Beneath the sea in the Bahamas lies evidence of civilizations
that went under the waves - highways and highway markers, clearly
manmade. These areas have been explored by many fortune hunters,
recorded by camera, and published in full color repeatedly.
Likewise ancient Incan cities stand so high in altitude that
the cities could not have been built, much less lived in. Yet
the scientific community continues to claim that Earth changes
happen gently, inch by inch, at the pace experienced during the
memory of their current civilization.
Antarctica bears witness to her past as a steamy swamp, and
likewise the North Seas, where oil is extracted. Likewise the
temperate regions are scared by what is termed the Ice Ages, where
these regions were as snow and ice packed as the poles.
A clue to these changes lies in the magnetism frozen in hardened
lava, which demonstrates that Magnetic North and South changed
now and then. Has any adequate explanation been proffered by the
scientific community?
None has, as all the explanations have the Earth's thin crust
remaining in place, as the thought that they are standing on a
raft that can move on the sea of magma beneath them is too frightening
to contemplate.
Did you also know the Norwegians put Billions
into any NASA
project that had to do with DEEP SPACE plus INFRARED mapping??
Very Odd ??
I have collected other IMPORTANT data the
points to the fact that 12-2012 is not a actual
dooms-day-date but instead a very special point in time WHEN
the ancients could start
collecting accurate data on THE DESTROYERS exact flight path.
THE DESTROYER has such a wild orbit that
any prediction on the devastation level and
areas that will be hardest hit can ONLY be calculated on the
month of 12-2012. It is some
time after that date that we will know our fate. Each encounter
is totally different every
3600 years.
The 12-2012 date is kin to a weather report date.
For Noah's time is was simply 40 days of
rain so that was an easy episode to 'ride-out' and THE DESTROYER's
path was 'meek'
12-2012 is not the actual dooms-day-date but it is instead the
day we can gather the first
real accurate flight path data of how close the path will be
to earth, how much damage and
Some of the more open Norwegian scientists say that after 12-2012
we will know if we
have to "build an ark" or "dig a cave" and
that we will have at least a few years to get
*The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS)
was the first-ever space-based
observatory to perform a survey of the entire sky at infrared
Launched on January 25, 1983, its mission
lasted ten months. The telescope
was a joint project of the United States (NASA) and the Netherlands (NIVR)
The Scroll of ADEPHA
O Sentinels of the Universe who watch for The Destroyer,
how long will your coming vigil last? O mortal men who wait without
understanding, where will you hide yourselves in the Dread Days
of Doom, when the Heavens shall be torn apart and the skies rent
twain, in the days when children will turn grey-headed? This
is the thing which will be seen, this is the terror your eyes
will behold, this is
the form of destruction that will rush upon you: There will be
the great body of fire, the glowing head with many mouths and
eyes ever
Terrible teeth will be seen in formless mouths and a fearful
dark belly will glow redly from fires inside. Even the most stout-hearted
will tremble and his bowels be loosened, for this is not a thing
understandable to men. It will be a vast sky-spanning form enwrapping
Earth, burning with many hues within wide open mouths. These
will descend to sweep across the face of the land, engulfing
all in the
yawning jaws. The greatest warriors will charge against it in
vain. The fangs will fall out, and lo, they are terror-inspiring
things of cold
hardened water. Great boulders will be hurled down upon men,
crushing them into red powder.
As the great salt waters rise up in its train and roaring
torrents pour towards the land, even the heroes among mortal
men will be overcome
with madness. As moths fly swiftly to their doom in the burning
flame, so will these men rush to their own destruction. The flames
before will devour all the works of men, the waters following
will sweep away whatever remains. The dew of death will fall
softly, as grey
carpet over the cleared land.
Men will cry out in their madness,
"O whatever Being there is, save us from this tall form
of terror, save us
from the grey dew of death."
This one is important! It
is worth you time reading in a literal manner. A description
which is outside the experience of the person trying
to describe it. That person is left to the imagery he understands.
When he talks of the children turning grey, think about pictures
refugees from the eruption of St. Helens. read it as literally
as possible. The "parting of the waters" sounds almost
exactly like the action
of a Tsunami in a closed area. It is clearly described by someone
who was there. This was a volcanic nightmare mixed with solar
eruptions and a reddish planet very close overhead in the skies
that seemed to have a swirling atmosphere. The sores on men and
are the effects of Gamma radiation flares from the sun. In this
passing the earth is in the worst possible position to Nibiru
as it makes it's
way around the sun. It is bathed in gravitational disruption
and magnetic storms.
This may be information you
have not seen. It has not really been popularized like the work
of Sitchen on the Shumerian documents.. It
is a translation excerpted from the scrolls of Adepha and these
are a part of the Egyptian Great Book. This book is in the library
of one of
the inner orders. Copies of parts of it have been made here and
there in the past. Small parts are in the public domain because
of this. The
first bit warns of the last time the planet of the crossing "Nibiru"
(The Destroyer) visited. This would have been the one of the
floods seen in cultures all over the world. Most.likely Old Kingdom
info is being referenced.
A phrase like:"...fangs
will fall out, and lo, they are terror-inspiring things of cold
hardened water." must be seen as an attempt to talk
about something an Egyptian would not generally know, like say
a large icicle. Cold hardened water shaped like a fang. BIG.
Interestingly this is one
of the last known docs before and during the fall of the system
and the end of Egypt as a force in the world. The
slaves are the Hebrews. The god of the slaves in the brick pits
is Jehovah but not mentioned by name. (He who has name) The member
Pharaoh's house who leads them is Moses. (He was adopted as a
baby into the household of the Pharaoh and considered a prince
until he
discovered his true slave lineage. The last part of this scroll
is the story of Moses from the point of view of the other side.
It describes the
biblical "miracles" used against Pharaoh to convince
him to free the slaves. Moses himself would have had this information
of the
crossing available to him most likely.
I have been going back over
the codexes and old texts I was exposed to and comparing it to
the actions of the freaks. What is called the
mystery religion at the very top includes an immense collection
of codes and algorithms which unlock old timeline docs and info
from the "future histories" gained thru majestic. (Also
their operation) They have keys that they don't yet understand.
They don't know
where the locks are. So far I can not find one thing in their
operations that does not fit a preparation to deal with this
event and their
survival including seeding the atmosphere in reflective material
and happy campers to be contained during chaos and taken care
of in an
efficient manner. (Less messy) This will be done under a false
pretense. Removing as many as possible in the present saves time
simplifies the later operation. The theft of all real wealth
is to be used to build the facilities already in place and being
expanded big time.
Frankly I can't find a single thing that does not fit.
This also fits predictive
pre conditioning in several movies. Deep impact, and 2012 Space
Oddessy come to mind immediately. Many
others like the Day After Tomorrow etc etc.
It has come to the Psychic
boys here, that he information we have received over the past
few years and is to some extent put into "BOB"
and fictionalized, is reasonably accurate in terms of earth changes
and the oceans, as well as many other factors. We were drawn
to live
where we live based on these factors and met here. Next door
neighbors? Hmmmm....Well who believes a couple of ner'do well
who have visions and make friends with squirrels. I put this
out to you to have a look at. There is an incoming object and
telescopic shots
of it are being censored.
Astronomers have looked for
it for years as what they call "Planet X" has to be
there because of the effects and movement of the solar
system. It is due in three to six years depending on the calender
and meaning. There is much more to the story but this is part
of what we
are dealing with. It begins with the shreds of data leftover
from the previous passing 3600 years before during the world
wide floods
(See Noah) This is a Global catastrophe and is reported in all
ancient cultures each time but after the passing little remains
of records or
Scroll of ADEPHA
O Sentinels of the Universe
who watch for The Destroyer, how long will your coming vigil
last? O mortal men who wait without
understanding, where will you hide yourselves in the Dread Days
of Doom, when the Heavens shall be torn apart and the skies rent
twain, in the days when children will turn grey-headed? This
is the thing which will be seen, this is the terror your eyes
will behold, this is
the form of destruction that will rush upon you: There will be
the great body of fire, the glowing head with many mouths and
eyes ever
Terrible teeth will be seen
in formless mouths and a fearful dark belly will glow redly from
fires inside. Even the most stout-hearted man
will tremble and his bowels be loosened, for this is not a thing
understandable to men. It will be a vast sky-spanning form enwrapping
Earth, burning with many hues within wide open mouths. These
will descend to sweep across the face of the land, engulfing
all in the
yawning jaws. The greatest warriors will charge against it in
vain. The fangs will fall out, and lo, they are terror-inspiring
things of cold
hardened water. Great boulders will be hurled down upon men,
crushing them into red powder.
As the great salt waters
rise up in its train and roaring torrents pour towards the land,
even the heroes among mortal men will be overcome
with madness. As moths fly swiftly to their doom in the burning
flame, so will these men rush to their own destruction. The flames
before will devour all the works of men, the waters following
will sweep away whatever remains. The dew of death will fall
softly, as grey
carpet over the cleared land.
Men will cry out in their
"O whatever Being there
is, save us from this tall form of terror, save us
from the grey dew of death."
(The above seems to be the
warning from the previous passing. Most likely Old Kingdom) The
rest seems to be a first hand in the
present of the Israelites diaspora led by a prince of the Pharaoh
(Moses) and the fall of Egypt. S.L.S.
The Doomshape, called The
Destroyer, in Egypt, was seen in all the lands whereabouts. In
colour it was bright and fiery, in appearance
changing and unstable. It twisted about itself like a coil, like
water bubbling into a pool from an underground supply, and all
men agree it
was a most fearsome sight. It was not a great comet or a loosened
star, being more like a fiery body of flame.
Its movements on high were
slow, below it swirled in the manner of smoke and it remained
close to the sun whose face it hid. There was a
bloody redness about it, which changed as it passed along its
course. It caused death and destruction in its rising and setting.
It swept the
Earth with grey cinder rain and caused many plagues, hunger and
other evils. It bit the skin of men and beast until they became
with sores.
The Earth was troubled and
shook, the hills and mountains moved and rocked. The dark smoke-filled
Heavens bowed over Earth and a
great howl came to the ears of men, borne to them upon the wings
of the wind. It was the cry of the Dark Lord, the Master of Dread.
Thick clouds of fiery smoke passed before him and there was an
awful hail of hot stones and coals of fire. The Doomshape thundered
sharply in the Heavens and shot out bright lightings.
The channels of water were
turned back unto themselves when the land tilted, and great trees
were tossed about and snapped like twigs.
Then a voice like ten thousand trumpets was heard over the wilderness,
and before its burning breath the flames parted. The whole of
land moved and mountains melted. The sky itself roared like ten
thousand lions in agony, and bright arrows of blood sped back
and forth
across its face. Earth swelled up like bread upon the hearth.
This was the aspect of the
Doomshape called The Destroyer, when it appeared in days long
gone by, in olden times. It is thus described
in the old records, few of which remain. It is said that when
it appears in the Heavens above, Earth splits open from the heat,
like a nut
roasted before the fire. Then flames shoot up through the surface
and leap about like fiery fiends upon black blood.
The moisture inside the land
is all dried up, the pastures and cultivated places are consumed
in flames and they and all trees become white
ashes. The Doomshape is like a circling ball of flame which scatters
small fiery offspring in its train. It covers about a fifth part
of the sky
and sends writhing snakelike fingers down to Earth. Before it
the sky appears frightened, and it breaks up and scatters away.
Midday is
no brighter than night. It spawns a host of terrible things.
These are things said of
The Destroyer in the old records, read them with a solemn heart,
knowing that the Doomshape has its appointed
time and will return. It would be foolish to let them go unheeded.
Now men say, "Such things are not destined for our days".
May the
Great God above grant that this be so. But come, the day surely
will, and in accordance with his nature man will be unprepared.
The dark days began with
the last visitation of The Destroyer and they were foretold by
strange omens in the skies. All men were silent
and went about with pale faces.
The leaders of the slaves
which had built a city to the glory of Thom stirred up unrest,
and no man raised his arm against them. They
foretold great events of which the people were ignorant and of
which the temple seers were not informed.
These were days of ominous calm, when the people waited for they
knew not what.
The presence of an unseen
doom was felt, the hearts of men were stricken.
Laughter was heard no more
and grief and wailing sounded throughout the land. Even the voices
of children were stilled and they did not
play together, but stood silent.
The slaves became bold and
insolent and women were the possession of any man. Fear walked
the land and women became barren with
terror, they could not conceive, and those with child aborted.
All men closed up within themselves.
The days of stillness were
followed by a time when the noise of trumpeting and shrilling
was heard in the Heavens, and the people
became as frightened beasts without a herdsman, as asses when
lions prowl without their fold.
The people spoke of the God
of the slaves, and reckless men said. "If we knew where
this God were to be found, we would sacrifice to
him". But the God of the slaves was not among them. He was
not to be found within the swamplands or in the brickpits. His
manifestation was in the Heavens for all men to see, but they
did not see with understanding. Nor would any God listen, for
all were
dumb because of the hypocrisy of men.
The dead were no longer sacred
and were thrown into the waters. Those already entombed were
neglected and many became exposed.
They lay unprotected against the hands of thieves. He who once
toiled long in the sun, bearing the yoke himself, now possessed
oxen. He
who grew no grain now owned a storehouse full. He who once dwelt
at ease among his children now thirsted for water. He who once
in the sun with crumbs and dregs was now bloated with food, he
reclined in the shade, his bowls overflowing.
Cattle were left unattended
to roam into strange pastures, and men ignored their marks and
slew the beasts of their neighbours. No man
owned anything.
The public records were cast
forth and destroyed, and no man knew who were slaves and who
were masters. The people cried out to the
Pharaoh in their distress, but he stopped his ears and acted
like a deaf man.
There were those who spoke
falsely before Pharaoh and had Gods hostile towards the land,
therefore the people cried out for their blood
to appease it. But it was not these strange priests who put strife
in the land instead of peace, for one was even of the household
Pharaoh and walked among the people unhampered.
Dust and smoke clouds darkened
the sky and coloured the waters upon which they fell with a bloody
hue. Plague was throughout the
land, the river was bloody and blood was everywhere. The water
was vile and men's stomachs shrank from drinking. Those who did
drink from the river vomited it up, for it was polluted.
The dust tore wounds in the
skin of man and beast. In the glow of The Destroyer the Earth
was filled with redness. Vermin bred and
filled the air and face of the Earth with loathsomeness. Wild
beasts, afflicted with torments under the lashing sand and ashes,
came out of
their lairs in the wastelands and caveplaces and stalked the
abodes of men. All the tame beasts whimpered and the land was
filled with the
cries of sheep and moans of cattle.
Trees, throughout the land,
were destroyed and no herb or fruit was to be found. The face
of the land was battered and devastated by a
hail of stones which smashed down all that stood in the path
of the torrent. They swept down in hot showers, and strange flowing
fire ran
along the ground in their wake.
The fish of the river died
in the polluted waters; worms, insects and reptiles sprang up
from the Earth in huge numbers. Great gusts of
wind brought swarms of locusts which covered the sky. As the
Destroyer flung itself through the Heavens, it blew great gusts
of cinders
across the face of the land. The gloom of a long night spread
a dark mantle of blackness which extinguished every ray of light.
knew when it was day and when it was night, for the sun cast
no shadow.
The darkness was not the
clean blackness of night, but a thick darkness in which the breath
of men was stopped in their throats. Men
gasped in a hot cloud of vapour which enveloped all the land
and snuffed out all lamps and fires. Men were benumbed and lay
in their beds. None spoke to another or took food, for they were
overwhelmed with despair. Ships were sucked away from their moorings
and destroyed in great whirlpools. It was a time of undoing.
The Earth turned over, as
clay spun upon a potter's wheel. The whole land was filled with
uproar from the thunder of The Destroyer
overhead and the cry of the people. There as the sound of moaning
and lamentation on every side. The Earth spewed up its dead,
were cast up out of their resting places and the embalmed were
revealed to the sight of all men. Pregnant women miscarried and
the seed
of men was stopped.
The craftsman left his task
undone, the potter abandoned his wheel and the carpenter his
tools, and they departed to dwell in the marshes.
All crafts were neglected and the slaves lured the craftsmen
The dues of Pharaoh could
not be collected, for there was neither wheat nor barley, goose
nor fish. The rights of Pharaoh could not be
enforced, for the fields of grain and the pastures were destroyed.
The highborn and the lowly prayed together that life might come
to an
end and the turmoil and thundering cease to beat upon their ears.
Terror was the companion of men by day and horror their companion
by night. Men lost their senses and became mad, they were distracted
by frightfulness.
On the great night of The
Destroyer's wrath, when its terror was at its height, there was
a hail of rocks and the Earth heaved as pain rent
her bowels. Gates, columns and walls were consumed by fire and
the statues of Gods were overthrown and broken. People fled outside
their dwellings in fear and were slain by the hail. Those who
took shelter from the hail were swallowed when the Earth split
The habitations of men collapsed
upon those inside and there was panic on every hand, but the
slaves who lived in huts in the reedlands,
at the place of pits, were spared. The land burnt like tinder,
a man watched upon his rooftops and the Heavens hurled wrath
upon him and
he died.
The land writhed under the
wrath of The Destroyer and groaned with the agony of Egypt. It
shook itself and the temples and palaces of
the nobles were thrown down from their foundations. The highborn
ones perished in the midst of the ruins and all the strength
of the land
was stricken. Even the great one, the first born of Pharaoh,
died with the highborn in the midst of the terror and falling
stones. The
children of princes were cast out into the streets and those
who were not cast out died within their abodes.
There were nine days of darkness
and upheaval, while a tempest raged such as never had been known
before. When it passed away
brother buried brother throughout the land. Men rose up against
those in authority and fled from the cities to dwell in tents
in the
Egypt lacked great men to
deal with the times. The people were weak from fear and bestowed
gold, silver, lapis lazuli, turquoise and
copper upon the slaves, and to their priests they gave chalices,
urns and ornaments. Pharaoh alone remained calm and strong in
the midst
of confusion. The people turned to wickedness in their weakness
and despair. Harlots walked through the streets unashamed. Women
paraded their limbs and flaunted their womanly charms. Highborn
women were in rags and the virtuous were mocked.
The slaves spared by The
Destroyer left the accursed land forthwith. Their multitude moved
in the gloom of a half dawn, under a mantle
of fine swirling grey ash, leaving the burnt fields and shattered
cities behind them. Many Egyptians attached themselves to the
host, for
one who was great led them forth, a priest prince of the inner
Fire mounted up on high and
its burning left with the enemies of Egypt. It rose up from the
ground as a fountain and hung as a curtain in
the sky. In seven days, by Remwar the accursed ones journeyed
to the waters. They crossed the heaving wilderness while the
hills melted
around them; above, the skies were torn with lightning. They
were sped by terror, but their feet became entangled in the land
and the
wilderness shut them in. They knew not the way, for no sign was
constant before them.
They turned before Noshari
and stopped at Shokoth, the place of quarries. They passed the
waters of Maha and came by the valley of
Pikaroth, northward of Mara. They came up against the waters
which blocked their way and their hearts were in despair. The
night was a
night of fear and dread, for there was a high moaning above and
black winds from the underworld were loosed, and fire sprang
up from
the ground. The hearts of the slaves shrank within them, for
they knew the wrath of Pharaoh followed them and that there was
no way of
escape. They hurled abuse on those who led them, strange rites
were performed along the shore that night. The slaves disputed
themselves and there was violence.
Pharaoh had gathered his
army and followed the slaves. After he departed there were riots
and disorders behind him, for the cities were
plundered. The laws were cast out of the judgment halls and trampled
underfoot in the streets. The storehouses and granaries were
open and robbed. Roads were flooded and none could pass along
them. People lay dead on every side. The palace was split and
princes and officials fled, so that none was left with authority
to command. The lists of numbers were destroyed, public places
overthrown and households became confused and unknown.
Pharaoh pressed on in sorrow,
for behind him all was desolation and death. Before him were
things he could not understand and he was
afraid, but he carried himself well and stood before his host
with courage. He sought to bring back the slaves, for the people
said their
magic was greater than the magic of Egypt.
The host of Pharaoh came
upon the slaves by the saltwater shores, but was held back from
them by a breath of fire. A great cloud was
spread over the hosts and darkened the sky. None could see, except
for the fiery glow and the unceasing lightnings which rent the
covering cloud overhead.
A whirlwind arose in the
East and swept over the encamped hosts. A gale raged all night
and in the red twilit dawn there was a movement
of the Earth, the waters receded from the seashore and were rolled
back on themselves. There was a strange silence and men, in the
it was seen that the waters had parted, leaving a passage between.
The land had risen, but it was disturbed and trembled, the way
was not
straight or clear. The waters about were as if spun within a
bowl, the swampland alone remained undisturbed. From the horn
of The
Destroyer came a high shrilling noise which stopped the ears
of men.
The slaves had been making
sacrifices in despair, their lamentations were loud. Now, before
the strange sight, there was hesitation and
doubt; for the space of a breath they stood still and silent.
Then all was confusion and shouting, some pressing forward into
the waters
against all who sought to flee back from the unstable ground.
Then, in exaltation, their leader led them into the midst of
the waters
through the confusion. Yet many sought to turn back into the
host behind them, while others fled along the empty shores.
All became still over the
sea and upon the shore, but behind, the Earth shook and boulders
split with a great noise. The wrath of Heaven
was removed to a distance and stood upwards of the two hosts.
Still the host of Pharaoh
held its ranks, firm in resolve before the strange and awful
happenings, and undaunted by the fury which raged
by their side. Stern faces were lit darkly by the fiery curtain.
Then the fury departed and
there was silence, stillness spread over the land while the host
of Pharaoh stood without movement in the red
glow. Then, with a shout, the captains went forward and the host
rose up behind them. The curtain of fire had rolled up into a
billowing cloud which spread out as a canopy. There was a stirring
of the waters, but they followed the evildoers past the place
of the
great whirlpool.
The passage was confused
in the midst of the waters and the ground beneath unstable. Here,
in the midst of a tumult of waters, Pharaoh
fought against the hindmost of the slaves and prevailed over
them, and there was a great slaughter amid the sand, the swamp
and the
water. The slaves cried out in despair, but their cries were
unheeded. Their possessions were scattered behind them as they
fled, so that
the way was easier for them than for those who followed.
Then the stillness was broken
by a mighty roar and through the rolling pillars of cloud the
wrath of The Destroyer descended upon the
hosts. The Heavens roared as with a thousand thunders, the bowels
of the Earth were sundered and Earth shrieked its agony. The
were torn away and cast down. The dry ground fell beneath the
waters and great waves broke upon the shore, sweeping in rocks
The great surge of rocks
and waters overwhelmed the chariots of the Egyptians who went
before the footmen. The chariot of the Pharaoh
was hurled into the air as if by a mighty hand and was crushed
in the midst of the rolling waters.
Tidings of the disaster came
back by Rageb, son of Thomat, who hastened on ahead of the terrified
survivors because of his burning. He
brought reports unto the people that the host had been destroyed
by blast and deluge. The captains had gone, the strong men had
and none remained to command. Therefore, the people revolted
because of the calamities which had befallen them. Cowards slunk
their lairs and came forth boldly to assume the high offices
of the dead. Comely and noble women, their protectors gone, were
their prey.
Of the slaves the greater number had perished before the host
of Pharaoh.
The broken land lay helpless
and invaders came out of the gloom like carrion. A strange people
came up against Egypt and none stood to
fight, for strength and courage were gone.
The invaders, led by Alkenan,
came up out of the Land of Gods, because of the wrath of Heaven
which had laid their land waste. There,
too, had been a plague of reptiles and ants, signs and omens
and an earthquake. There, also, had been turmoil and disaster,
disorder and
famine, with the grey breath of The Destroyer sweeping the ground
and stopping the breath of men.
Anturah gathered together
the remnants of his fighting men and the fighting men who were
left in Egypt, and set forth to meet the
Children of Darkness who came out of the eastern mountains by
way of the wilderness and by way of Yethnobis. They fell upon
stricken land from behind the grey cloud, before the lifting
of the darkness and before the coming of the purifying winds.
Rageb went with Pharaoh and
met the invaders at Herosher, but the hearts of the Egyptians
were faint within them. Their spirits were no
longer strong and they fell away before the battle was lost.
Deserted by the Gods above and below, their dwellings destroyed,
households scattered, they were as men already half dead. Their
hearts were still filled with terror and with the memory of the
wrath which
had struck them from out of Heaven. They were still filled with
the memory of the fearsome sight of The Destroyer and they knew
what they did.
Pharaoh did not return to
his city. He lost his heritage and was seized by a demon for
many days. His women were polluted and his
estates plundered. The Children of Darkness defiled the temples
with rams and ravished women who were crazed and did not resist.
enslaved all who were left, the old, young men and boys. They
oppressed the people and their delight was in mutilation and
Pharaoh abandoned his hopes
and fled into the wilderness beyond the province of the lake,
which is in the West towards the South. He
lived a goodly life among the sand wanderers and wrote books.
Good times came again, even
under the invaders, and ships sailed upstream. The air was purified,
the breath of The Destroyer passed
away and the land became filled again with growing things. Life
was renewed throughout the whole land.
Kair taught these things to the Children of Light in the days
of darkness, after the building of the Rambudeth, before the
death of the
Pharaoh Anked.
This is written in this land
and in our tongue by Leweddar who, himself, chose it for saving.
It was not seen until the latter days.
ADDENDUM to the Prophecy
by SLS.
I an adding this to the document
because I have a better understanding of the Egyptian political
and social system at the time in question
than most would care to, and I have some experience in reading
ancient documents and the language of prophetic lore. This may
helpful, for without CONTEXT the thing could be gibberish. So
could a description of a computer chip's operating layout if
you did not
know a fair amount about chips. The reference to "The Great
Book" is the Book of Egypt and not the Bible. Anything like
a bible will
not be around for another 1800 years after this document.
This was written after the
passing, as a helpful warning to each of us 3600 years in this
man's future. I think it is profound. It contains no
religious judgement typical of prophecy. I can see it was written
after the event as the last line gives it away. He asks that
you not
underestimate the "lesser ones". He says that he is
both your scribe and the son of a theif.
By lesser, he does not mean
less good hearted, less intelligent, less skilful or able. This
man lived in a strict caste system in which a
person born into a lower social station could not hope to progress.
As the son of a theif he was close to the bottom but.. He is
scribe. Before the destruction of the social order he would never
have been allowed to learn to read or write. He was born of a
man than those who were high born. In this is a profound message
to each of us now! He is saying that the information preparing
us for
what will come, will be delivered by men who have wisdom and
not neccessarily wealth, or high education in the specialized
system we
live in. We do not need people with five degrees in nuclear physics
who can't start a fire, tie a knot or cook a meal. Education
is neither
wisdom or intelligence. It is memorization. (Often of incorrect
"Seek refuge in the
den in the earth..." Would be interesting if this reffered
to the elite in their underground bunker city.....
"Men will fly in the
air....swim as fishes in the sea. Nuff said there. This puts
the coming passage after the 1950s and the development
of diving gear and high performance aircraft.
"Women as men"
and vise versa... See Boy George. Micheal Jackson, Metrosexuals,
women in business suits and construction, military
and more. This is not a put down on women. You must see it from
the perspective of his vision. This was as odd to him as flying
in the
"A nation of lawgivers...."
Most likely Rome.
"One worship will pass
into the four quarters...talking peace and bringing war..."
Onward Christain soldiers. Kill "em all to save their
souls is the historical fact.
"A nation of the seas
greater than any other" The sun never set on the British
Empire due to the highest degree of naval power in
"A nation of traders
will destroy men with wonders..." Try the merchants to the
world, the USA who used atomic wonders and pilotless
air craft, stealth bombers etc.
"The high will strive
with the low" The Elites and those in power in strife with
the common people.
"They will posses great
riches but be poor in spirit". Well that about sums up the
whole scociety here today.
Men will be decieved. YUP.
Men will have the Great Book
before them, wisdom will be revealed..." The Great Book
refers to the Great Book of Egypt which you are
reading an excerpt from. It is BEFORE YOU NOW.
"The great winnowing"
The separation of the wheat from the chaff. One is worth saving.
So we see that the time is
upon us NOW. I have been asked from time to time which was the
most valuable learning experience for you?
Learning the Hermetics, studying religions, construction, electrical
systems, intel, welding, plumbing, etc.... None is more important
another. Part of my learning to weld was from one who this prophet
would see as a "lesser man". That is an incredibly
valuable skill.
Was what was learned from a tribal medicine woman less important
than what was learned from men who had several doctoral degrees?
Not on your life. True spirit and wisdom knows no Caste.
The Prophecy
Men forget the days of The
Destroyer. Only the wise know where it went and that it will
return in its appointed hour.
It raged across the Heavens
in the days of wrath, and this was its likeness: It was as a
billowing cloud of smoke enwrapped in a ruddy
glow, not distinguishable in joint or limb. Its mouth was an
abyss from which came flame, smoke and hot cinders.
When ages pass, certain laws operate upon the stars in the Heavens.
Their ways change, there is movement and restlessness, they are
longer constant and a great light appears redly in the skies.
When blood drops upon the
Earth, The Destroyer will appear and mountains will open up and
belch forth fire and ashes. Trees will be
destroyed and all living things engulfed. Waters will be swallowed
up by the land and seas will boil. The Heavens will burn brightly
redly, there will be a copper hue over the face of the land,
followed by a day of darkness. A new moon will appear and break
up and fall.
The people will scatter in
madness. They will hear the trumpet and battle cry of The Destroyer
and will seek refuge in the den in the
Earth. Terror will eat away their hearts and their courage will
flow from them like water from a broken pitcher. They will be
eaten up in
the flames of wrath and consumed by the breath of The Destroyer.
Thus in the Days of Heavenly
Wrath, which have gone, and thus it will be in the Days of Doom
when it comes again. The times of its
coming and going are known unto the wise. These are the signs
and times which shall precede The Destroyer's return: A hundred
ten generations shall pass into the West and nations will rise
and fall. Men will fly in the air as birds and swim in the seas
as fishes. Men
will talk peace one with another, hypocrisy and deceit shall
have their day.
Women will be as men and
men as women, passion will be a plaything of man. A nation of
soothsayers shall rise and fall and their
tongue shall be the speech learned. A nation of law givers shall
rule the Earth and pass away into nothingness.
One worship will pass into
the four quarters of the Earth, talking peace and bringing war.
A nation of the seas will be greater than any
other, but will be as an apple rotten at the core and will not
endure. A nation of traders will destroy men with wonders and
it shall have its
day. Then shall the high strive with the low, the North with
the South, the East with the West, and the light with the darkness.
Men shall
be divided by their races and the children will be born as strangers
among them.
Brother shall strive with
brother and husband with wife. Fathers will no longer instruct
their sons and their sons will be wayward.
Women will become the common property of men and will no longer
be held in regard and respect.
Then men will be ill at ease
in their hearts, they will seek they know not what, and uncertainty
and doubt will trouble them. They will
possess great riches but be poor in spirit. Then will the Heavens
tremble and the Earth move, men will quake in fear and while
walks with them the Heralds of Doom will appear.
They will come softly, as
thieves to the tombs, men will not know them for what they are,
men will be deceived, the hour of The
Destroyer is at hand. In those days men will have the Great Book
before them, wisdom will be revealed, the few will be gathered
for the
stand, it is the hour of trial. The dauntless ones will survive,
the stout-hearted will not go down to destruction. Great God
of All Ages,
alike to all, who sets the trials of man, be merciful to our
children in the Days of Doom. Man must suffer to be great, but
hasten not his
progress unduly. In the great winnowing, be not too harsh on
the lesser ones among men. Even the son of a thief has become
OTHER ODD FACTS - Makes Ya Think --
Time itself is VERY interesting. We
take for granted that there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60
minutes in and "HOUR"
or 3600 seconds in an "HOUR"
or "yar" - But how did this WHOLE concept of time measurement
in fractions of the number 3600 begin???
We still tell time today in fractions
of 3600 and no one person gives it a 2nd thought. Why in fractions
of the number 3600????????????
A word "SHAR" is ancient
Sumerian for 3600 years and from THAT we divided time down to
finally minutes and seconds again 3600
Why would a race of people like the
ancient Sumerian's actually have the word "SHAR" that
mean's 3600 years?
That is an odd number of years to
actually commit a written word to do you not think so? I do not
believe in coincidences.
As elements break down they expand - When our own Sun breaks
down it will also expand 900,000,000 times.
HAVE FUN (this video is incomplete as he does not mention
the contraction periods that create the tall mountains SO remember
it is not ONLY expansion but also times of contraction and that
is the period we are in now so the plates are grinding downward
(subduction) . That is the period in between the expansions.
Watch the expansion in this video which is only part of the puzzle.
The author never thought of contractions too, it is so obvious.
As a species we tend to make many leaps in knowledge and then
get stuck not believing the tiny details that are so darn simple!!
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view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE "DESTROYER"
bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared 3600 years ago global
havoc Mosses NoahNimba or Planet X Is Google Sky trying block
view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE "DESTROYER"
bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared 3600 years ago global
havoc Mosses NoahNimba or Planet X Is Google Sky trying block
view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE "DESTROYER"
bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared 3600 years ago global
havoc Mosses NoahNimba or Planet X Is Google Sky trying block
view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE "DESTROYER"
bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared 3600 years ago global
havoc Mosses NoahNimba or Planet X Is Google Sky trying block
view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE "DESTROYER"
bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared 3600 years ago global
havoc Mosses NoahNimba or Planet X Is Google Sky trying block
view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE "DESTROYER"
bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared 3600 years ago global
havoc Mosses NoahNimba or Planet X Is Google Sky trying block
view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE "DESTROYER"
bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared 3600 years ago global
havoc Mosses NoahNimba or Planet X Is Google Sky trying block
view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE "DESTROYER"
bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared 3600 years ago global
havoc Mosses NoahNimba or Planet X Is Google Sky trying block
view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE "DESTROYER"
bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared 3600 years ago global
havoc Mosses NoahNimba or Planet X Is Google Sky trying block
view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE "DESTROYER"
bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared 3600 years ago global
havoc Mosses Noah
Nimba or Planet X Is Google
Sky trying block view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE
"DESTROYER" bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared
3600 years ago global havoc Mosses Noah
Nimba or Planet X Is Google
Sky trying block view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE
"DESTROYER" bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared
3600 years ago global havoc Mosses Noah
Nimba or Planet X Is Google
Sky trying block view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE
"DESTROYER" bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared
3600 years ago global havoc Mosses Noah
Nimba or Planet X Is Google
Sky trying block view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE
"DESTROYER" bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared
3600 years ago global havoc Mosses Noah
Nimba or Planet X Is Google
Sky trying block view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE
"DESTROYER" bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared
3600 years ago global havoc Mosses Noah
Nimba or Planet X Is Google
Sky trying block view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE
"DESTROYER" bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared
3600 years ago global havoc Mosses Noah
Nimba or Planet X Is Google
Sky trying block view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE
"DESTROYER" bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared
3600 years ago global havoc Mosses Noah
Nimba or Planet X Is Google
Sky trying block view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE
"DESTROYER" bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared
3600 years ago global havoc Mosses Noah
Nimba or Planet X Is Google
Sky trying block view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE
"DESTROYER" bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared
3600 years ago global havoc Mosses Noah
Nimba or Planet X Is Google
Sky trying block view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE
"DESTROYER" bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared
3600 years ago global havoc Mosses Noah
Nimba or Planet X Is Google
Sky trying block view incoming planetoid public BLACK RECTANGLE
"DESTROYER" bible planetoid so big and HOT seen Infrared
3600 years ago global havoc Mosses Noah